【EU】Ranked Ready VALORANT Smurf Account | Instant Delivery | First Email | Instant Delivery
- Game :- Valorant (Full Access)
- Delivery Time :- After payment, you will receive the data information instantly
- RANK :- Unranked Smurf ( Ready for Competitive )
- Voice Chat Works
- Characters Unlocked: 2 or +
- Provided with an unverified email, you can change it yours and verify.
- Two Factor Authenticator: off
- Competitive Cooldown / Bans: None

【NA】Level 20 Bronze Ranked VALORANT Smurf Account with 10 Win Done | Voice Chat Works | Full Change Data | Lifetime Warranty
- Game :- Valorant (Full Access)
- Delivery Time :- After payment, you will receive the data information instantly
- RANK :- Bronze 1 - 3
- Voice Chat Works
- Characters Unlocked: 2 or +
- Provided with an unverified email, you can change it yours and verify.
- Two Factor Authenticator: off
- Competitive Cooldown / Bans: None